Press Release: Earth Day Celebration April 22
Community members pass around an Earth volleyball during a previous Imani Works Earth Day celebration held in downtown Orange. (Photo Credit: Dena Jennings)
Apr. 19, 2023
Human rights organization Imani Works will hold its 27th annual Earth Day celebration this Saturday, April 22, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at 19362 Constitution Hwy., Nasons, VA 22960.
Participants will be able to tour the farm, take part in sustainable living activities, visit the herb market and receive a free bamboo walking stick by completing an activity passport. Gentle hikes on the property will be available for community members of all ages and abilities.
Live music will begin at 11 a.m. with ukulele player Kelle Jolly, who tells stories centered in African-American culture through her music. Hailing from Tennessee, Jolly is a familiar face to those who attend the Affrolachian On-Time Music Gathering (The Thang) each September in Orange.
The Earth Day celebration is free and open to all. For more information, contact Imani Works at
Imani Works is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit for the promotion of human rights through advocacy and education. The organization seeks to: advocate for the human rights of members, clients and citizens around the world; educate about the sustainable living afforded all people through observing human rights; facilitate conflict transformation for those who find themselves in polarizing disputes; and teach nonviolent, environmentally conscious, and justice-seeking folks through workshops and cultural events. To learn more, visit